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Writer's pictureDan Thorpe

Give yourself a fighting chance

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

How you feel is a lie.

How you feel and how you perform are 2 different things.

Your body is more resilient than you realise.

Just because you don't feel tip top doesn't mean you shouldn't show up.

Simply showing up is a big percentage of your goal.

This is something you notice time and again.

It's no use worrying about what program to do or nutritional minutiae of your diet If you don't even show up, the details don't matter if you're not there.

Yes, sometimes we all need a break, but don't make a habit of it.

Everytime you skip a session or sack off that meal just because your chakras aren't aligned for the day, you're giving yourself permission to repeat that act, and that is weakening your fortitude.

I never fail to be impressed and inspired by someone who shows me some grit and some graft.

Yes moderation is important, a take away is fine, missing a workout is fine but don't make it the norm, moderation means moderation.

Health isn't always easy, but it's worth the effort, So if you're going to do it, then do it justice.

You CANNOT say it didn't work if you didn't adhere. And if you adhere you won't have to.

If you only ever show when you're feeling your best you'll be there less than 50% of the time.

Sometimes it isn't perfect, in fact it never is, you just have to make the most of where you are and with what you have.

And if you only show 1/2 the time you'll get half the results.

Out of 10 sessions only 2 or 3 might be #beastmode

3 or 4 might just be OK.

The other 3 or 4 might be the days you don't feel like going.

But thats where the winning is done, that's the difference.

It's easy when it's easy, but it counts for more when it's hard.

I've lost count of the times my best sessions, PB's, have come on those days where I nearly bailed (litterally nearly every run!).

How you perform and how you feel are not directly coralated, you're body isnt that flaky.

Just show up, get the warm up done, run/walk that first mile, at least you've given it a chance, if the body isn't responding then do something easier, go have a bigger meal, but give your body the chance to show you.

Eventually you find yourself showing up without a thought, there is no questions, you're just there.

Sometimes, do first think later.

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