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Writer's pictureDan Thorpe

20 winters of weights

I started lifting training & weights nearly 20 winters ago.

Here's a few thoughts.

1. Consistent effort is the most important variable, not methods. 1000s of different "methods". they all work if they follow the same principles, just like diets.

2. Genetics determine most outcomes not programs. But if there was a version of me that started lifting weights and 1 that didnt, the 1 that did developed physically and mentally way more than the one that didn't, you just don't know what your capable of unless you try. f#*k genetics.

3. No-one accidentally builds too much muscle, don't worry about it, been trying for a long time. anyway muscle are cool, they represent work, rock that shit.

4. Forget 99% of all supplements.

5. Everything moves in cycles, training & eating trends.

6. Craft your sleep, it lays a foundation that many systems need to function well. Sorry parent, I don't have an answer.

7. Read, it fills the brain and calms the mind.

8. Find a "method" of training you enjoy.

9. There are no "must do" exercises.

10. Motion is lotion. Move every damn day, do something. Feel like shit? just start stretching, if that's where it ends fine, but sometimes it ends with a killer training session and a pb. You never know, just start.

11. Getting stronger is highly rewarding. This creates a loop of repetition, where you're driven to improve and begin stacking good habits.

12. There is nothing wrong with trying to change your physique, it's all part of the preening humans do that has been ingrained over aeons.

13. Be conscious. Do you think you need be a certain size, or weigh less than some arbitrary number? let me tell you, you don't!

BADASS people come in all shapes & sizes.

Being badass is a mindset, a driven, positive, attitude, a characteristic, most definitely not a 6 pack, NOT a look.

14. The toughest and most fruitful programs have the least words.

15. Every tough workout can teach you something, it's a metaphor for life.

16. Getting a bit stronger, building some muscle is the best thing you can do for longevity, pain management and mindset.

17. Train the heart, Do some cardio. Any style, but move, get the heart rate up. A little bit of hiit is OK, but you'll probably benefit more from some longer steadier work, hiking, cycling, jogging.

18. You don't lose gains nearly as fast as you think, so go on holiday and feel free to chill out (obviously once you've got a pump before the beach)

18. Action wins. There is no perfect program, no perfect time, no perfect diet, no perfect plan. You can wait for the stars to align and hit nowhere or get walking make progres.

19. Don't focus on the goal. Focus on the process. Goal focus = pressures us to short cuts and quick fixes.

Process focus increases performance, so instead of "build muscle" or "lose fat" focus on do weights 3 times per week or eat 150g protein a day and eat veg at each meal.

20. Helping others is helping ourselves. Making someone else happy increases wellbeing more than trying to make ourselves happy.

21. Be nice. You are owed zero. Entitlement is a human construct.

Maybe you can add some more.

- Dan

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